What is OID!
The Design Impact Observatory is an initiative of the Association of the Designers of the Valencian Community for research and innovation in the design field. It focuses on the analysis and dissemination of the effect that the use of design has on society, focusing specifically on companies and industry. Its work unfolds under the concept of “design impact” in a broad sense: economic, social, cultural and environmental, and in general all matters related to the improvement of well-being and living well.

It is essential to dimension design and its impact in order to face the challenges and opportunities responsibly which its incorporation into the business fabric and its integration in solutions that foster the wellbeing of society entails.
The Oid! (for its acronym in Spanish) shall further the generation of innovative solutions which can be applied to the assessment of the impact of design as an adequate measurement makes the consequences of its use tangible and enables the identification of areas for improvement.

To analyse the impact of design on society, with particular attention to the Valencian business fabric, through studies and technical diagnostic reports.
To create and foster proposals to improve the impact of design.
To offer guidance and recommendations for decision-makers in public policies and innovation support programmes, corporate organisations and research specialists.
To further collaboration agreements in R&D+I projects with agents from the scientific-technological environment, universities, companies etc. at a national and international level.
To advise executives and managers to optimize the impact of design in their organisations.
The Association of Designers of the Valencian Community (ADCV) promotes and defends the design profession as a creative sector which generates and disseminates value.
Its work contributes to clarifying the concept of design as a creative process whose purpose is to propose solutions and meanings for a better world.
Un proyecto de
investigación de la ADCV